Friday 19 February 2016

Technology & Wellness

In this fast paced world, where we all are surrounded with gizmos and gadgets, we can send messages and mails with just a click to people so far off from us, where with one call we can have a face to face conversation with people sitting in different countries, now we can travel thousands of KM in few hours and even household work can be done in minutes without even being present there, all it requires a little bit of monitoring but we still say we don’t have time. With all this technology around us, though it has made our lives a lot easier but it has given us a lot of side effects too. We just don’t like to do much of physical activities and are getting so used to of this technology that our tolerance level to nature is becoming zero. God only knows what will happen to our future generation. Even working out in open gardens and parks has been replaced by fancy gyms and studios.

We are using technology in all the aspect of life, be it at work place or at home but we are not using it well enough when it comes to our wellness. 80% of people don’t give importance to their wellness till it reaches an alarming situation; very similarly we are not giving importance to technology to be used for wellness to easily achieve it. And the main reason to this is lack of our basic knowledge to wellness. 70-80% of people don’t know the effect of food (calories) on their body and hence they don’t even give importance to monitor it as well. Similarly we don’t know how much cardio will burn how many calories for us to reduce that extra weight which lies with us, so forget about monitoring it. We don’t actually care about timings so we don’t put reminders to make it happen.

With so much technology in our hands only, our phones and similar gadgets, which actually makes it so easy for us to monitor and keep a track of our well-being without even doing much efforts for it, but we are still getting away from wellness each passing day.  


But where there is a problem, lies a solution for it” and solution to this is INNOVATE WELLNESS (details about it in my next blog)

Friday 5 February 2016


When I share the idea of WELLNESS at WORK with people, I get varied reactions, some out of which are as weird as the idea of WELLNESS at WORK itself. They say:

·         Office mein kaam karein ki exercise” – Office is to work not to exercise.
·         Office hai ki Yoga Centre” – That’s an office or Yoga Centre.
·         Boss kahega ki kaam karte nahi bas exercise karte rahte hai” – What will boss think, we come to office for work or work-out.
·         Wellness at work – lol – it is really possible, time kaha hai” – Where is the time ???
·         Insurance toh karwaya hai employee ka, baaki they can handle themselves” – The Company has done the insurance of the employee, rest they can take care themselves.
·         “Wellness is individual choice, you can’t force them in office for it

Listening to all this sometimes is very demoralizing and it always surprise me as well as how on earth people are so insensitive about their own WELLNESS. Most of us never get serious about it unless it’s advised by the Doctor which usually happens so late that everything is so out of our hand by then to make it back to normal.

Another thing which surprise me is the ignorance of people towards the term WELLNESS itself. Because when we say WELLNESS, we only co-relate it with either exercise or dieting. But the matter of fact is it is way beyond than that.

You all will be surprised that directly or indirectly, we take so much of efforts in planning, educating & learning few aspect of WELLNESS very seriously and they are Occupational, Financial & Social Wellness. We always plan and work our way out for our career growth, we also plan our investments for our secure future and similarly we also plan our social life as well. Then why can’t we have the same approach when it comes to our own self.

Coming back to WELLNESS at WORK, it doesn’t mean that you have to do yoga sessions, or gym training or having a dietitian on board with salads in cafeteria menu. But what it actually means is change in organization culture and individual’s approach towards WELLNESS which first need a proper planning then making necessary amendments in lifestyle, monitoring and finally achieving it.