Tuesday 27 January 2015

Eat melons and drink sufficient water to detoxify your body

The human body accumulates toxins on a daily basis. Pollution, weather change, unhealthy diet and sleep patterns all take a toll on our health and well being. It is very important to include those foods in your diet that help in getting rid of those toxins. Raw fruits and salads can be a great choice and one of the best ones is eating melons.These wonderfully delicious and uniquely flavoured fruits are very low in saturated fats and 100gms of the fruit contains only 34 calories. They are also low in sodium and cholesterol but very high vitamins, antioxidant flavonoids, minerals and electrolytes that help in the rejuvenation of cells. The high amount of dietary fiber in melons boosts digestion and keeps you feeling satiated for long. They are a rich source of potassium as well which is an impotant element to keep unhealthy food cravings in check. Eating melons also helps in maintaining a good eyesight as they can be consumed to get daily doses  of vitamins A and C apart from moderate levels of B-complex vitamins like niacin and pantothenic acid. The fruit is also a good source of micro nutrients such as lutein, cryptoxanthin, beta-carotene and zea-xanthin. These nutrients and antioxidants are required to protect cells and other structures in the body from oxygen-free radicals and offer a protection from several cancers.        The high water content of the fruit flushes out body toxins as water in itself is the best element for detoxification. You can drink limitless quantities of water throughout the day and it would only have positive effects on you. However, it is important to consider when you should not drink water so that you can avoid health complications. Drink water before eating to control your appetite and before drinking hot beverages to prevent acidity. However, water intake after tea or coffee would lead to tooth sensations and after meals would cause bloating and discomfort.

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Follow your hobbies as a tool to progress

People talk about the importance of following your hobbies all the time. However, do we really understand the meaning of that?  Does following your hobbies imply that you need to quit your day job and choose an alternate career that is born out of your love for crafts, food or photography? May be that could be one option but one person can have so many hobbies and that does not make it feasible to turn them all into full time careers for that matter. Following your hobbies is very important and it means that you must take out time to do what you feel inspired to do.  It need not necessarily mean turning it into a business. You need to strike a balance between your work life and the time you need to devote to yourself by indulging in activities that make you happy. Following your hobbies helps you to tap into your hidden gifts and talents. It allows you to gain skills in areas you love and pushes you to become better not just in that particular area but also at your workplace. This is due to the fact that your hobbies will make you happy and that happiness would reflect in the improved enthusiasm that you would develop towards everything around you. If you spare sufficient time for your hobbies, you can also get in touch with like minded people and end up making more friends and a healthy social circle where everyone has one common thing to agree upon and lots of new ideas to have fun together. Hobbies can thereby, act as a tool to progress in every sphere. Keeping yourself engaged in meaningful work also keeps your mind nimble as you age. It fills you with positivity at every stage and gives additional meaning and purpose to your life.

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Yoga Changed My Life

I firmly believe that yoga truly possesses the power to impact your life deeply. It can even inspire unimaginable changes in yourself and in the way you interact with others. When I started Yoga, I never thought it would become an inseparable part of my daily routine. And I always get surprised in ways it has changed my life and it still continue to do so as I practice Yoga more and more. Yoga allowed me to unwind completely and its impact is as powerful as any cardio and gym trainings and also has long term benefits. It was certainly challenging to try out the stretching postures at first but with a little practice and continuity, I could feel the strength building up in my muscles and the stretches became much easier to do. I started to notice the difference it was already making. My skin started to glow as it got rid of the toxins and the meditative sessions allowed me to turn off my mind in order to disconnect from the tensions that got accumulated throughout the day. It felt like an outlet for all negativities. It wasn't just a workout for the body but also for the mind and my spirits.Practicing Yoga also made me actually realize that there is always room for growth.The great thing about Yoga is that you can absorb what you need and then modify it to the level what is best and most suitable for you. It is a big source of motivation for me because in each of the session, I feel that I am learning new things and interesting facts about the connection between the mind, body and soul! It is like a new and fruitful achievement every time & the experience is very peaceful, fulfilling and it still continues.

Wednesday 7 January 2015

Indulge with Yourself!

There are endless moments when we would find ourselves feeling rushed, stressed and pressed for time. Sometimes we might even get depressing thoughts that our life is not ours anymore because of the hectic schedules that we tend to stick to, waiting for the next email, project or any other work that is absolutely not related to our well being! The modern era is loaded with competition and a desire to excel but do we really have to compete by putting ourselves at stake?

It is important to not allow ourselves become a victim of our schedule, electronic gadgets or our responsibilities. Many of them do need attention but we must give the first priority to ourselves. We shouldn't try to do too many things in a short amount of time. Instead, we should take breaks that would rejuvenate our bodies and refresh our minds. If we devote time to ourselves, we would feel more passionate and recharged for work thereby being more productive.  It is extremely important to focus on our health and mental peace in order to be able to perform better in all avenues. Yoga, meditation, a good night's sleep, sports, pursuing our hobbies or eating the right things can work wonders on our temperament and social interactions.  Indulging with ourselves, taking out time to relax and doing things that would make us happy are the keys to joy and contentment in life.

Functioning on these very principles of personal care, Indulge with Yourself is a studio in Delhi that allows you to reap the benefits of fitness and fun. It is a hub for wellness and recreation that lets you incorporate healthy exercises and yoga postures as a fitness routine in your life. Here, you can also indulge with your hobbies and party with others and their innovative team.