Thursday 26 February 2015

Tuesday 24 February 2015

In Control

The stressful lives of the modem times seem to have taken control out of our lives. It is very much evident that our minds and bodies are not in sync with each other. It can be seen and observed when we try to do various types of balancing exercises and keep losing control of our bodies. There are hardly a few individuals who are able to do these exercises without falling or tripping over. Most of them need frequent practice to get one posture perfectly right and more so, to hold it for a few moments. The real reason why this happens is because our minds and bodies are not in our control or in other words, the minds and bodies are not in sync. Though we fail to realise the importance of this control, it is extremely essential to maintain it and make it a part of our selves for an overall well being. There is another example that clearly brings forth the fact that we lack control and tuning between our mind and body. The yoga posture for standing still, also known as the 'Stambhasana' is perhaps one of those exercises that demand almost nothing from the individual. Stambhasana just requires the individual stand still for a few moments but the majority of people who try it, are unable to do so. We can't even stand still for a few moments! It is extremely important to bring the mind and body in sync for a healthy life. Staying in control of the relation between our mind and body improves us as a person as well as enables us to manage the everyday tasks better. Establishing the balance between our mind and body also acts as a support to deal with the day to day challenges that we come across. Indulge with Yourself can help you achieve this seemingly complicated goal with ease. Learn how to bring the mind and body in sync through our expert advice and experience.

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Divide and Rule

Divide and rule if taken in a positive way is a very effective tool, not like British Empire who ruled us for more than 100 years but still the fact remains the same that it was effective and that is why they lasted so long and it took a lot of our efforts to free ourselves. But here my context is not about that. Here I want to say is, if you experiment the same technique with your meal & divide your three big, heavy, fattening meals into 7- 8 small portions of meals, it can be a great value and will help you a lot in maintaining yourself. Breaking your meals will give you equal or more energy because your blood sugar level will always be maintained and as it is a small portion of food, you will intend to digest it quickly and effectively and will have less fat accumulation in your body. Eating frequent and smaller meals all through the day keep you feeling full for long and satiated for hours. Eating lighter meals also keeps cravings in check and keeps you feeling bouncy and active all day long. You can experience and experiment this yourself by analysing how exactly you feel after eating a heavy meal and the difference that would come in case you choose to eat a lighter one instead. We all know that heavy meals make us feel heavy and lethargic. On the other hand if you choose to munch on small and light seven to eight meals which include controlled portions of every nutrient required for the body, then you would not just feel active but also healthy and well in control. Your health will rule at the end of the day.So that is why I say it again “Divide and Rule” to be fit!

Thursday 12 February 2015

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Indulge with Yourself

Breathing exercises are the best way to keep yourself rejuvenated all day long. Proper breathing not just regulates the internal system but also enables it to remain healthy. Breathing exercises like Pranayam are simple and easy and contribute to the overall well being of the person. The best aspect associated with breathing exercises is that with regular practice, you need not go for any other kinds of physical exercises. Pranayam also helps in weight regulation and management through breath control. In the modern busy lives, it might become difficult to take out extra time for specific exercises but you breath all the time so all u need to understand the correct breathing pattern. It fits into your regular routine like any other regular activity. You just need to devote fifteen to twenty minutes of the day for Pranayam and you would be able to witness the changes and positive outcome of it in a considerably short time. Pranayam can be done while you are driving, working, sitting at a cafe waiting for someone or at any other place as per your convenience. There is, however, one thing that you need to keep in mind and that is, you must not eat a heavy meal at least two hours before you do the Pranayam. It should preferably be done on an empty stomach. Pranayam provides deep relaxation to the mind and body while strengthening the nervous and respiratory systems. It also helps in stress relief while improving concentration and reducing negativity in life. A few improvised variants of this breathing technique enhances the blood flow in the body along with improving the functioning of the digestive organs. You can also rely on Pranayam for reducing excess fat in the abdominal region. Learn the perfect breathing techniques for your improved health at Indulge with Yourself and stay fit without putting in too much of an effort.

Monday 9 February 2015

Target Toners

Target Toner
A quick target toner session would be a great help. For information connect
Indulge with Yourself

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Love Yourself First

“Beauty is when you can appreciate yourself. When you love yourself, that’s when you are most beautiful” – Zoe Kravitz
The beauty comes from within, with our own urge to look good and stay fit always and it is an essential for every one of us to stay positive. Devoting time to yourself always give you an opportunity to recharge yourself and then in turn increase your self confidence and self satisfaction.
“If you don’t yourself even people around you will also not” We often think that people around us has changed and they no longer appreciate us, be it your friends, colleagues, partners or children but what we don’t realize that they have changed and stop appreciating you because you no longer appreciate yourself due to endless reason which we give like work, household work, family etc and some time only an excuse for no particular reason. We still do all the work as it seems important to us for various reasons with our best possible efforts but only thing we don’t do is, give a little time for our own well-being. 
With the pressed life that we have, it is so important for us to take out time for things that really makes us happy and healthy because when we feel good, we radiate and shine. We generate positive vibes and put them into the universe. This determines the kind of people
we attract and also how they feel about us.The one thing that people don't realize is that keeping oneself fit physically and mentally, is what acts like an essential element for succeeding in life. As it is your life so the priority of it should always remain “YOU” because if you will be happy with your life, you will intern make people around you happy, as the saying “what goes around, comes around”.