Tuesday 17 February 2015

Divide and Rule

Divide and rule if taken in a positive way is a very effective tool, not like British Empire who ruled us for more than 100 years but still the fact remains the same that it was effective and that is why they lasted so long and it took a lot of our efforts to free ourselves. But here my context is not about that. Here I want to say is, if you experiment the same technique with your meal & divide your three big, heavy, fattening meals into 7- 8 small portions of meals, it can be a great value and will help you a lot in maintaining yourself. Breaking your meals will give you equal or more energy because your blood sugar level will always be maintained and as it is a small portion of food, you will intend to digest it quickly and effectively and will have less fat accumulation in your body. Eating frequent and smaller meals all through the day keep you feeling full for long and satiated for hours. Eating lighter meals also keeps cravings in check and keeps you feeling bouncy and active all day long. You can experience and experiment this yourself by analysing how exactly you feel after eating a heavy meal and the difference that would come in case you choose to eat a lighter one instead. We all know that heavy meals make us feel heavy and lethargic. On the other hand if you choose to munch on small and light seven to eight meals which include controlled portions of every nutrient required for the body, then you would not just feel active but also healthy and well in control. Your health will rule at the end of the day.So that is why I say it again “Divide and Rule” to be fit!

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