Tuesday 24 February 2015

In Control

The stressful lives of the modem times seem to have taken control out of our lives. It is very much evident that our minds and bodies are not in sync with each other. It can be seen and observed when we try to do various types of balancing exercises and keep losing control of our bodies. There are hardly a few individuals who are able to do these exercises without falling or tripping over. Most of them need frequent practice to get one posture perfectly right and more so, to hold it for a few moments. The real reason why this happens is because our minds and bodies are not in our control or in other words, the minds and bodies are not in sync. Though we fail to realise the importance of this control, it is extremely essential to maintain it and make it a part of our selves for an overall well being. There is another example that clearly brings forth the fact that we lack control and tuning between our mind and body. The yoga posture for standing still, also known as the 'Stambhasana' is perhaps one of those exercises that demand almost nothing from the individual. Stambhasana just requires the individual stand still for a few moments but the majority of people who try it, are unable to do so. We can't even stand still for a few moments! It is extremely important to bring the mind and body in sync for a healthy life. Staying in control of the relation between our mind and body improves us as a person as well as enables us to manage the everyday tasks better. Establishing the balance between our mind and body also acts as a support to deal with the day to day challenges that we come across. Indulge with Yourself can help you achieve this seemingly complicated goal with ease. Learn how to bring the mind and body in sync through our expert advice and experience.

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