Tuesday 20 January 2015

Follow your hobbies as a tool to progress

People talk about the importance of following your hobbies all the time. However, do we really understand the meaning of that?  Does following your hobbies imply that you need to quit your day job and choose an alternate career that is born out of your love for crafts, food or photography? May be that could be one option but one person can have so many hobbies and that does not make it feasible to turn them all into full time careers for that matter. Following your hobbies is very important and it means that you must take out time to do what you feel inspired to do.  It need not necessarily mean turning it into a business. You need to strike a balance between your work life and the time you need to devote to yourself by indulging in activities that make you happy. Following your hobbies helps you to tap into your hidden gifts and talents. It allows you to gain skills in areas you love and pushes you to become better not just in that particular area but also at your workplace. This is due to the fact that your hobbies will make you happy and that happiness would reflect in the improved enthusiasm that you would develop towards everything around you. If you spare sufficient time for your hobbies, you can also get in touch with like minded people and end up making more friends and a healthy social circle where everyone has one common thing to agree upon and lots of new ideas to have fun together. Hobbies can thereby, act as a tool to progress in every sphere. Keeping yourself engaged in meaningful work also keeps your mind nimble as you age. It fills you with positivity at every stage and gives additional meaning and purpose to your life.

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